The great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness no one rejects dislikes avoids pleasure itself because it is pleasure but because know who do not those how to pursue pleasures rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful desires to obtain.
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PD ERA Plastik was established in 1987 and began engaging in the buying and selling as well as management of plastic waste.
PD ERA Plastik launched recycled products, namely plastic bags under the brand name LOCO.
PD ERA Plastik changed its name to PT Elastis Reka Aktif (ERA) and became legally registered.
PT Elite Recycling Indonesia (ERI) was formed to increase the production capacity of loco-branded plastic bags and plastic pellets.
Pan Era Group was established to oversee both companies, namely PT Elastis Reka Aktif (ERA) and PT Elite Recycling Indonesia (ERI)
PT Elastis Reka Aktif (ERA) obtained ISO 9001:2008 certification.
PT Elastis Reka Aktif (ERA) renewed its certification to ISO 9001:2015.
PT Elite Recycling Indonesia (ERI) obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification.
PT Elastis Reka Aktif (ERA) obtained ISO 14001:2015 certification in the Recycling and Manufacture and Recycle of Plastic Bag category.
The LOCO brand plastic bags received verification of compliance with Indonesian Eco-label claims by BTP and BPPT.
Introducing and distributing new designs for bags and packaging with the Indonesian Eco-label logo.
PT Eterna Persada Indonesia is our newest plant, located in Cikande.
Launching a new brand, ETERLENE, for recycled plastic pellets.
Installation of the latest washing line machines for rLDPE products at the Cikande plant. ETERLENE products received Halal Certification (February 2023) and Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certification (September 2023).